Getting My 1985-89 SSS Pension Adjustment

sss-computer-glitchI was not blogging for a little more than a year now. I was blogging for eight (8) years come January 2017 with few pauses and this year being the longest. The few articles previous to this are reposts from my other blog which I decided to close when its domain expired. I wrote those articles in 2015, had them redated and moved here because of their relevance to my personal advocacy for senior citizens like me.

A few months ago, I willed to blog again but I cannot seem to find a good comeback topic. There were lot of issues before and after May 2016 election but none of them seemed to inspire me to write again. I was looking for an event in my life that would come good to the ears of my fellow senior citizens until the subject of this article got through three (3) days ago. YES, I got the small adjustment to my SSS pension after four (4) years of waiting with lots of frustrating follow-ups during the period.

My agonizing experience in waiting for the inclusion of my 1985 to 1989 contributions to my SSS pension started when I filed for my retirement benefits in January 2013. After coming back three (3) times to an SSS Branch Office nearest to my residence, I was able to complete the requirements. Seven (7) months later, I received the notice of deposit of the 18-months lump sum to my bank account covering my initial SSS retirement benefit. In compliance with the procedure, I went to my SSS servicing branch to confirm the deposit. It was then that I was told to file for adjustment due to non-inclusion of my 1985-89 contributions in the computation of my pension.

What happened next can be read in my previous post about an unfinished business with SSS. After 3-1/2 years of making follow-ups as instructed, I gave up going my SSS servicing branch to make personal follow-ups. Not to my liking, I sought the help of a relative holding a not-so-high position at the agency only to get the information on her online access that I did not file for an adjustment. She told me that there were many adjustments already granted and advised me to file the request again but I did not accede.

I was deeply frustrated and knowing that the amount I am running after is not that much, I tend to forego my claim until I came across an opportunity to meet online a high-ranking official at SSS Public Relations Department. After a few pleasantries, I was able to tell her about my long-standing claim. She asked for details which I gladly gave to her. After a reasonable period, I made one (1) follow-up via private message for which I did not get an affirmative answer.

As an added information, I know the reason why my 1985-89 contribution was not included in the computation of my SSS pension. It was due to the SSS computer glitch that was in the news three (3) months ago. The computer glitch compounded by the bureaucracy made me lose hope that I would get an adjustment anymore so you could guess how surprised I was when I checked my bank balance and saw an unexpected amount. Is the incident part of the change that the new administration promised? Your guess is as good as mine.

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