Knowing Where To Post Your Status

As an online guy for most of my waking hours, I create accounts on social networking sites (SNS) not necessarily because I want to make use of them but more of just wanting to know what their features are. If I remember it right and based on the reminders I am receiving on the email addresses I used in registering with them, I had accounts with Friendster, Hi5, Myspace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. I am currently using only Google+, Twitter and Facebook to post my status and updates.

I usually post in the SNS I mentioned above whenever I make new posts in my blogs or when I want to share some important articles I found in cyberspace. I normally do the sharing of my new articles using the Facebook and G+ buttons found at the bottom of my posts. Afterwards, I check both sites to see responses to my shares. With Twitter, I just use an auto-tweet program to inform my followers of my latest posts. I am sorry to say that I personally cannot find time to have 2-way communications with persons I “follow” and those who “follow me” in Twitter.

I have here a diagram showing to which SNS must you post your status or updates. I got it from my G+ stream and my research showed that an original version of the diagram was posted by Daryl Lang of Breaking Copy while a “correct version” was done by Carmelyne Thompson. I had already made known of my liking G+ over Facebook and the “correct diagram” reinforced my leaning towards the newer SNS. Again, let me say again that with “circles” feature of Google+, I can now classify my sharing of information according to the grouping I make of my “friends”. If a photo, video or an information needs to be seen and known to family members only, then I share it to my “Family” circle.

I know that some of us have better use of social networking sites other than how I use them. Some so-called social media practitioners may be making enough for a living through it while others simply love to see their friends ‘like’ what they had for dinner last night. No matter how you are using your SNS accounts, it pays to know where to post what needs to be posted by you. Remember, it is also worth knowing what should not be posted.

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