Looking Older Than Your Age

When I was young, if somebody asks me about my age, my usual reply was “never mind, I really look older than my age”. And that was true, I looked older than my age but I also made sure that I talk the way I looked. While many of us would do everything to look younger as we grow old, we sometime forget the beauty in having looks that’s older than our real age. For one, old-looking people readily gain respect from younger ones. There are many more advantages to discover if you will care to continue reading this article.

First, beauty in having looks that’s older than our age does not refer to being able to take advantage of the privileges of senior citizens like the twenty (20%) discount on medicines, public transport fares, movie theaters, restaurant and hotel bills, VAT exemptions, and others specified in the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010. Even if you look like sixty (60) years old and above, you cannot be among the about five (5M) senior citizens of the Philippines who legally enjoy those privileges. If you try to avail of them, you will be asked to present the senior citizen (SC) identification (ID) card issued by your local government unit (LGU). Proof of birth is needed before an LGU issue a senior citizen’s ID card (get plain lanyards for your ID cards, here) and looking old is not enough.

There are some advantages of looking older than your true age that you can enjoy without necessarily violating any law. These are being able to join the real senior citizens, the physically-challenged people and the pregnant women in the special lanes when paying electric, telephone and water bills. The banks also have this queuing privilege and there’s a special coach at mass transport trains (MRT and LRT) for you. Can you think of other advantages that people who look older than their age enjoy or can avail of?

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