Recent Changes On This Blog

This two years and four month old blog had undergone many changes since I started my blogging career with it. Those who had been with me since the start know that this blog’s title changed from Owning a Café to Owning An I-Café then to EdZee’s Net Logs currently. Along the way, I make it a task to announce the changes so that you, my readers, would know best how to go around this site. Prior to this article, my latest post about the change I made was last March 17, 2011 when I changed this blog’s banner.

As blogging trends change and new technology comes out, I always check plugins and their functions to see if I could implement them here. I also drop old plugins which had become obsolete and unusable and replace them with newer versions or new plugins as they become available. On the recent changes I made on this blog, I dropped the Wibiya Web Toolbar because, for unknown reason, its search function no longer works. It could be because the new version of the plugin is no longer compatible with WordPress Ver. 2.9.1 that this blog uses.

In dropping the Wibiya Web Toolbar, I had to install three (3) plugins that will take care of the different functions that it used to do. Below are the new plugins the recent changes that I made on this blog:

A) Google Custom Search – I have this plugin at the top of the right sidebar even before but it was intended to search the web and not this blog. Now, I customized it to show results for keywords or key phrases that you want to look for on this site. Type the word or phrase in the Google Custom Search bar and you will see the titles of my articles that contain them.

B) DevGrow Sharebar – Shown on the left side of the pages in this blog, Sharebar WordPress plugin is ready for use by my readers who want to share my articles to their friends at Facebook and Twitter. The article can also be emailed directly to people that my readers want to inform about its content.

C) Who’s Amung Us – This is the red button that you will find in the right bottom part of your screen. Who’s Amung Us shows the number of visitors on this blog in real time. When clicked, it will show you the detailed number of persons who visited this blog. As a free version of the plugin, it may not show the figures accurately but should be good enough to inspire me to continue blogging as it informs me that I still have friends reading my posts.

There goes the recent changes I made on my blog. I hope you will enjoy using them in as much as I really took time to install them to make your use of this site as pleasurable as possible.

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