Reasons For Buying A Tablet PC

When Apple Inc. introduced a tablet PC called iPad in April 2010, I personally did not give it much of a chance to succeed. My reservation then was why would people buy such gadget with limited capabilities when a netbook could easily do its job and more at a much lower price. I also remember that when I asked my IT son about it, he seemed to agree with me at that time. Now, almost one (1) year after its introduction and with more than twenty (20M) million units of tablet PCs sold around the world, I cannot help asking myself why I should not dream of owning one of the fastest-selling gadget nowadays.

I looked around the Internet about why a person would want a tablet PC and found the following reasons to buy an iPad, Motorola Xoom, Galaxy Tab, HP Touchpad and other kinds of handheld PCs which would hopefully be sold at affordable prices soon:

A) Ease of Carrying Around – Laptops and netbooks are portable but you will need to put them on your lap or top of a table before you can use them. If you want to use a laptop, you cannot hold it with your hands and operate it but with a tablet PC, you can easily do that.

B) Longer Battery Life – When using laptop, you may always want to have it connected to an AC power source to make sure that it won’t shutdown while you are in the middle of doing something. But with a tablet PC, if you start working with a fully-charged tablet, you are almost certain to finish your day without the need to recharge it.

C) Productivity and Entertainment – While you cannot expect to conveniently encode your office reports and school research work on a tablet PC, you can swiftly do online activities like emailing and social networking (tied with marketing activity) on it. For entertainment, all tablets come installed with FM radio and popular games can be had for free.

There are other reasons for buying a tablet PC like its being a status symbol for the affluent but for reasons cited above, I am now convinced that with some lowering of its price, it would be a gadget of choice for those who can afford it. Again, as to how it will affect the i-café business, I say, against the opinions of many in the business, that tablets are here to take some customers away.

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