Installing Google+ Android App

As a participant in the field trial of Google+, I would like to try, as much as I can, the different features of the emerging rival of Facebook and Twitter in the social networking world. When I accepted the invitation to the closed beta testing of the application early this month, the Google+ web app automatically showed in my desktop. Next thing I want was to have it in my cellphone so I looked for instructions on how to install Google+ native Android app. I saw the ‘Go Mobile‘ link in the right sidebar of my Google+ homepage so I clicked it and followed the instructions but got a ‘Not found’ prompt after the ‘Go to Android Market’ link.

Thinking that the native Android app was not yet ready at that time, I settled on bookmarking the mobile web version of Google+. After three (3) weeks of using Google+ in its desktop and mobile web versions, I decided to see again if I could have its native app installed on my mobile phone because I want to use its instant video and picture upload feature. Again, I got the same prompt I described above.

Somehow frustrated, I posted my status in the public stream of my Google+ and immediately got a reply on what to do to have the native app installed on an Android phone. I had to download the GooglePlus1.0.2.apk file to my cellphone and set it to ‘Allow installation of non-Market applications’ to install the app. After installing the native Google+ app, I was able to upload the pictures from my phone very easily.

Google+, at present, is far from perfect but based on feedback from current beta testers, it really could pose a serious threat on the Facebook dominance of the social networking world. It garnered twenty (20) million members in less than a month of closed beta testing and while it may seem to be a Facebook copycat at first look, using it reveals a lot of useful functionalities not found in the leading social networking site. It may still be a long way but Google+ is definitely going there.

By the way, if you are interested to join the field trial of Google+ but have not been invited yet, you may want to use the Contact Me on this site and rest assured that I will invite you as long as it is still possible.

UPDATE: The Google+ native app is now available at Android Market. Just go to Market >> Applications >> Free Apps then search Google+, download and it will install automatically.

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