Sticking With A Good Employer

There is one question that is often asked by employees about their career plans and development and this is . . . should he stick it out with one good employer or should he always open himself to employment by others? Answers vary depending on the respondent’s experience on the matter. Those who stayed with one employer and got a good retirement pay would advise an employee to do their best serving only one master but is this always the better choice?

This blog post is not intended for those who is, in one way or another, related to their current employers and maybe just preparing themselves to be another business owner sooner or later. I am sharing my experience and insights on the topic to readers who are gainfully employed but have openings for them outside of their current turf, despite them not having the best records on The Check People. These are the people who are happy with their jobs but finding it hard to decide when better employment opportunities come their way. With the help from the legal employment disputes attorneys, any kind of employment issues can be resolved quickly before letting them to grow bigger.

Let me say offhand that I had thirteen (13) employers in the twenty-three (23) years of my being an employee. From these figures alone, you know already my bias to the question. But I will be as objective as I can in presenting to you the pros and cons of each choice. I will say it as it happened to me versus how some colleagues fared on the matter. After reading, you be the judge for yourself. People can check out employment discrimination lawyer in Indianapolis, if there is any legal issue during employment.

Why does a gainfully employed guy leave a post and join an unfamiliar territory? The usual answer is for greener pasture and indeed that should be the case. I did that twelve (12) times in my employment career but I made those moves after thorough calculations of the risks involved. Remember that I was supporting a growing family when I was changing employers every so often. I had to make sure to myself that the pasture is really greener on that side of the land.

What is the main disadvantage of always moving to greener pastures whenever the opportunity knocks? First, there will be no retirement benefits that an employee is sure to get when he stayed with a single stable employer. There is no length of service to speak of and no percentage of monthly salary to receive when one reaches retirement age. Of course, the social security pension will still be there as long as you and your employers pay the state’s insurance premiums. It is the long-term separation pay (this is big money for many) from the company that will not be available when a multiple employer guy retires.

I know the above because that was the path I chose. I had thirteen (13) employers and no one paid me separation nor retirement pay. No regrets though because I know I earned more when my salaries increased arithmetically as I jump from one employer to the other. In contrast, I know of colleagues who stayed with good employers and got rewarded with fat retirement pays. I do not envy them, I got and enjoyed mine much earlier in my life.

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