The Internet Café And The IPv6 Deployment

It is already more than a month since I failed to update this blog and I wish to apologize to my regular readers for that. There’s really nothing serious that caused my failure to blog for such a long while. It was not like when I paused due to flood almost a year ago nor did I have a prolonged writer’s block. It was simply because I had to attend to some regular personal schedule like driving my three-year old grandchild to her nursery school in the morning and giving care to her a bit in the afternoon. It took a while for me to adjust to such routine but I hope that I could regularly update my blog again from now on.

In between my being a school bus driver and a part-time child caregiver, I also attended two (2) consultative meetings organized by the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) about the drafting of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Executive Order No 893 on the deployment and use of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Previously, I had already blogged about expanding the Internet through the use of IPv6 and I wish to emphasize again that being aware about IPv6 deployment and use should concern not only the Internet service providers but also the i-café owners.

While many of us maybe thinking that the deployment and use of IPv6 will not pose any problem in the operations of i-cafés, I wish to take exceptions to this belief.  Some of us may say that changing the modems and routers will be all that will take place so I was really surprised when I was told by the technical people in the meeting that the i-cafés must be represented in the Inter-Agency Technical Working Group (IATWG) that will help in the implementation of the executive order.

The CISCO and Infoweapons representatives are the more technically-knowledgeable people  in the meeting and they mentioned that the IPv6 deployment will be horizontal rather than vertical in its implementation; hence, chances are industries dependent on the access to the Internet will be affected. At the moment, being a non-technical guy, I am not in a position to explain how the IPv6 deployment will affect the internet café industry. I wish to refer you to the Infoweapons website for a thorough understanding about IPv6.

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