OMB To Pursue Registration Of Hard Disks

I received an update on my article about registering i-café’s hard disks with OMB by way of a response from Atty. Cyrus Paul Valenzuela, OIC-Executive Director of Optical Media Board (OMB) and I quote:

Hey guys,

First of all I do not think I can issue an Executive Order because only the president can do so it would more likely take the form of a memorandum circular. Other than that I have made it clear that I am still in the process of making an extensive study of the same, rest assured you will be consulted on the matter. To date I have already received an opinion from the United States Patent and Trade Office that hard drives are indeed magnetic mediums falling under the jurisdiction of the OMB. Your comments and suggestions on the matter really matters to me. If you have any problems regarding the current process of registration I want you to know I was not the one who implemented the same and should there be any complaints on the same then please let me know. Di ko kayo gugulatin on this matter.

Atty. Cyrus Paul Valenzuela
OIC-Executive Director
Optical Media Board

I wish to thank Atty. Valenzuela for finding time to respond to my humble blog. I already made the correction in my above-cited blog by way of a strike-through on term “executive order” and replaced it with “memorandum circular”. More than this, I wish that Atty. Valenzuela reply also to my questions at the bottom of my old blog as follows:

  1. How will the registration of hard disks be done?
  2. Will the memorandum circular require only the i-cafés to register their hard disks?
  3. How about other businesses and offices that also use computers with hard disks in them? Are they exempted to register their hard disks with OMB?

Likewise, I want to add to the above questions if there will be registration fee and how much? Lastly, can he please clarify how registering hard disks with OMB lessen the existing intellectual property violations in the country?

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