Entrecard Replies To Unsolicited Advice

This blog post is again intended for my readers from blogosphere and this is a sequel of my earlier article entitled Unsolicited Advice To Entrecard where I ended saying, “Regarding increased monetization of Entrecard, I have some workable suggestions but I would prefer to come out with them if the EC management would have positive response to the suggestions I enumerated above. I would also prefer to have them communicated privately with the proper people in the Entrecard organization.”

Martin@Cornyman’s Money-Blog was the first to comment on my said article and he says,

It might help when you send EntreCard a message via your Dashboard with your suggestion. They will look at it but i guess we won’t get any response like with many other queries which they should answer.

I did as Martin told and while waiting for Entrecard‘s reply, Eli of Business Sphere came up with his comment and I quote,

Hi Ed, great post about Entrecard.

But I doubt if the EC management / owner will consider proposal from users. I have been blogging about my proposed solutions in the past, but it appears the owner / management is allergic to brilliant, intelligent, innovative and doable solutions to improve EC as an ad network and blogging community. The owner/management is making decision from the ivory tower.

As expected, the EC management did not respond to my message to them so I send a follow-up mail to which I was lucky to get a reply which I quote below.

Thank you for your email and blog post. Our management team has decided against making users click on ads above the drop link in order from them to receive their credits. We understand that  by doing so, it’ll bring more traffic to the advertisers. However, this is not the kind of business model we want to move to. We do appreciate your thoughts and concerns.

There you go, the EC management’s reply closing their door to a scheme which they did not even care to know. What is my reaction to their rejection? Read on as I post below my reply to their email to me.

Thank you for your reply. So you are saying that click-throughs are not what you want your advertisers to get? Do you think they are satisfied with ad views and impressions? How will their target markets know what they are advertising if their ads on Entrecard will not get clicked?

I suggest that you seriously reconsider your current policy on the matter. It will not get you anywhere as I know you are not getting enough paid advertisers. How did I know that you are not getting enough advertisers? Very easy, you are always offering discounts and lower prices. If that is anything, it only means you do not have enough of them.

By the way, I am always available to present the details of my business scheme for Entrecard. Please do so before you make a decision to close Entrecard.

End of the story? I hope not. As an active member of the Entrecard community, I will not stop giving them unsolicited advice if I see the opportunity to do so. I had my first rejection by the EC management but at least I should congratulate myself because they responded to my emails. I did  not expect that to happen at all.

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