Continuing This Blog

I-Cafe SummitIt is now exactly one (1) month and fifteen (15) days since Typhoon “Ondoy” which caused a flash flood in my area occurred and caused me to pause from my daily blogging on this site. The neck-deep flash flood inside our bungalow-type residential house lasted only for ten (10) hours but it was enough to destroy practically all of our belongings. Today, we have not put back our place the way it used to be but now, at least, I have a working desktop personal computer where I composed this article.

As the saying goes, ‘life must go on no matter what’ so except for my failure to update this blog during the one and a half (1-1/2) month period after the flood, I did participate in some activities related to the Internet café industry in the country. Despite the disastrous flood, we went on holding the First Internet Cafe National Summit last October 21, 2009 and which was observed to be a big success as assessed by the event participants, partners and sponsors. Due to its success, more activities are planned by I-Café Pilipinas, the summit organizer, for next year.

Relative to this blog, I attended the 2009 Philippine Blog Awards in which this site was a finalist in the business category last October 9, 2009. It was indeed a great experience for a newbie blogger in me. The pause in posting articles on this blog has caused its traffic to go down but I really got surprised when Google upped its PageRank to PR3.

Continuing this blog is a decision that I never waver. Blogging has become a passion for me so expect this site to be updated regularly as it used to be. I wish to thank all those who continue to visit this blog regularly even if I failed to post updates for quite a while. Rest assured that I would be back with my usual blogging activities in no time.

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