My Site’s Current PageRank

pagerankI have not reported on this site’s performance since I blogged about it last May 21, 2009 when I posted some co-bloggers’s comments. As a newbie in the field of blogging, I am really curious about how well or how bad I am doing my blogs. Getting comments on my posts is one way to know if there are people reading my blogs. Having visitor’s widgets (like the BlogCatalog in the right sidebar of this site) is another way of knowing but not all blog readers are registered in such kind of free service. Viewership and readership are the most important factors in measuring the performance of a weblog.

Looking at the site’s statistics is one of the best way of gauging a blogger’s performance. There are many free site monitoring services available and I opted for Cystat since the beginning until it stop counting my visitors about a month ago. I do not know the reason for the stoppage but I suspect it was my being unable to make a donation so I shifted to Stats last June 6, 2009. Taking my recent statistics and adding it to what I had before Cystat stopped, this site must have had around 18,000 visitors in its 168 days of existence.

Aside from the above self-monitored statistics, I am very happy to report that Owning a Café is now PageRank 2 in Google. I made a research on how PageRank is arrived at before I write this blog but the descriptions of the patented method made me drop the idea of blogging about how it is done. Let me just mention that PageRank is a numeric weighting from 0-10 (10 being the highest) that Google assigns for each webpage on the Internet and that PageRank denotes a site’s importance in the eyes of Google.

Why is PageRank important to bloggers? Aside from the fact that PageRank is a sure indication that a website is already indexed or recognized by the search giant and therefore a source of joy and pride to the sitemaker, it is also the basis of valuation for the many income opportunities of the blogger. The higher the PageRank, the higher the value that the site will get in terms of monetizing it. By the way, getting a PageRank by Google is not that easy and takes a while. As I reveal above, this site is now about six (6) months old and having the PageRank 2 at present took some efforts on my part.

I know that the above figures I cited for this site are in no way comparable to what the popular blogs are getting but I am really thankful for your continuing visits. Without your visits, I would not have gotten the PageRank 2 that this site now have. I am likewise aware of the big challenge on me to maintain or improve such ranking.

If only for curiosity sake, I include a PageRank checker with this post so you could check your favorite sites’ ranking with Google. Just type the site URL in the space provided for and click Check PR.

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