A Fruitful Day It Was

I am referring to yesterday when I had a booze cum meeting with the people behind United Lanshop Owners’ Portal (ULOP). More than the booze, it was the discussions that made the day very fruitful for me. We had cerebral exchanges of experience and ideas regarding running a very popular forum like ULOP.

We were shown the new look of ULOP Forum which will come up anytime soon. The site’s administrator was very diligent in updating the forum to make sure it’s in tune with the latest in forum looks and features. Seeing the new look and knowing the additions to it, I personally believe that the forum will soar further in popularity and contents.

I am a regular poster at ULOP and no day will last without me visiting the site so it really makes me very happy when I get the formal approval to link this blog to ULOP. I will likewise be regularly contributing to its new section as a publisher of sort. It will be indeed an accomplishment for me to be given such privilege.

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