The Chrome OS And The I-Cafés

It was almost two (2) years ago when Google announced that it will develop its own open-source operating system (OS) and I wrote then an article wishing for Chrome OS to be usable in i-cafés. In less than one (1) week from today, Google Chromebooks, the computer units with the subject OS will be available in the United States of America and other selected countries. Instead of being available like the Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems which can be installed separately on desktops and laptops, Chrome OS will come pre-installed in specific models of Samsung and Acer netbooks which will boot directly to Chrome web browser in eight (8) seconds and resume instantly from hibernate mode.

Developed with the prime objective of competing with Microsoft Windows operating systems, the Chrome OS will quickly load websites and run smoothly with full support for the latest web standards. All Chromebooks quickly connect to Wi-Fi network and 3G Internet connectivity is optional in some models. The unit and its operating system is developed specifically for cloud computing so the users’ applications, documents, and settings are stored safely in the remote servers which Google will also offer to its customers. Since most of the things are happening on the cloud, you could perhaps read this Quickbooks review on what cloud integrations you could make.

Every Chromebook can run all web applications from games to word processors to spreadsheets to photo editors. There will also be some applications that will keep working even in moments when it is not connected to the Internet. As such, Chromebook is targeted both for business and consumer use. With its affordable hardware and software prices plus the automatic updates through the web, shall we see some i-cafés with Chromebook units soon?

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