The 1M EC Credits Free Traffic Contest

click for the contest rulesLet me pause on my blogging about the Internet café business to give way for my commitment to promote a contest where I am one of the sponsors. This is the One Million (1M) Entrecard (EC) Credits FREE Traffic Contest, the biggest blog promotion contest in the Entrecard community of bloggers. The contest was conceptualized by the owner of Cornymans Money-Blog who solicited from Entrecard members like EC credits, cash, ad space and other kind of valuables that will be given to winners of the contest.

My readers who are already into blogging may already know about Entrecard and for those who do not know it yet, let me give you a brief description of what it is. Entrecard is one of the many entities that help bloggers in promoting their crafts and at the same time, gain web traffic to their sites. More specifically, it helps bloggers in increasing the unique visitors to their sites, growing their blog audience, boosting readers’ comments and networking with other bloggers.

Going back to 1M EC Credits Free Traffic Contest which will begin  tomorrow (September 1, 2009), the prizes at stake, as of this writing, are as follows:

  • 482,501 Entrecard Credits
  • US$ 125.00 Cash
  • 2 – 125 x 125 Ad Space for 4 months
  • 2 – 125 x 125 Ad Space for 3 months
  • 7 – 125 x 125 Ad Space for 2 months
  • 47 – 125 x 125 Ad Space for 1 month
  • 1 – Text Link Ad for 3 months
  • 1 – Text Link Ad for 2 months
  • 2 – Text Link Ad for 1 month
  • 1 – Blog Make-Over Job
  • 2 – Blog Review (200 to 300 words)
  • 1 – Customized Blog Layout (Blogger Platform)
  • 1 – 5 GB Hosting Space (Without Domain)

Remember, contest starts tomorrow. Click the image on this blog for the rules for participants and sponsors. May the best men win!

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