Submitting Blogs To Web Directories

This blog post is intended for current bloggers and would-be ones who just like any blogger would like his site to be popular. What else could be the measures of blog’s popularity but its Google PageRank and Alexa Rating. You could install all those site monitoring services available in the web and be satisfied with the visits being recorded therein but still the PageRank and Alexa badges are the more satisfying ones when your site scores high in them. So aside from commanding high traffic of visitors, what else must your site have to get ratings from those two (2) site-ranking authorities.

One of the most recommended method to increase your site’s ranking aside from frequent posting of blogs with original contents is working to have as many backlinks as possible to your blogsite preferably those with reputable web directories. I read somewhere about Open Directory Project as one of the most important listing that your site should have.

webdirThe Open Directory Project also known as DMOZ is not easy to get and takes a long time for any site to get if ever the site gets qualified to be listed. This reminds me of a forum thread started by a newbie who submitted his site to DMOZ and forgot about it. Lately, when he checked his PageRank, he was surprised to see PR4 which he attributes mainly to his site being listed with DMOZ. Now, he is asking how he can monetize his website but that is another matter.

Aside from DMOZ, you could also try submitting your sites to other chickletsprestigious web directories like Yahoo and BOTW. You should also submit your blog to other web directory and get the backlink you need. The images on the right are what we call as chicklets and each one, although not necessarily a web directory, represents some sites where you can get backlinks (actually reciprocal links) for free. Try them and see how your site ranking climb. Do not forget to update your blogs regularly with original contents. The more frequent you update your blogs, the better for the ranking you are aiming so just keep on blogging.

For business or commercial websites, BUSINESS.COM is your best bet to get listed. However, you must at the same time submit your site for listing in a business web directory because just like weblogs, your business website needs as many links as possible in order to be included in search engine results for keywords that your products and services are related to. And if you want to improve your website loading speed, consider switching to hosting plans powered by amd ryzen 9.

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