Deciding To Blog

blog_bwAs I said earlier, deciding to blog should be easy for a café owner especially if you have the passion to write and the desire to inform. By now, I must have made myself clear when I said that blogging as pastime for a café owner is ideal. You have the time and the physical resources (computer and Internet connection) to do blogging and I have tackled the issue in my past blogs about the subject. Let me go a step further and discuss some more details about blogging plus the benefits that you could reap if you do so.

First, I have to ask what’s keeping you from deciding to blog. It could not be because of the lack of time and physical resources. Is it the subject of the blog that’s holding you back? Let me repeat that as a café owner, your topics can range from personal experience in running the business to the highly technical issues of advances in computer hardware and software. Let me also say that aside from café business matters, you can also blog about your hobbies and interests, education and training, specialized skills and other subjects that could interest your target audience which naturally should be the players in the internet café industry.

Why should you have the players in the internet café industry as your target audience? Again, I repeat the café owners are always online and they have time to browse the net and read your blogs. Choose a subject, write regularly about it and you have a ready audience waiting to get informed or amused by what you will blog. Keep in mind that in my own guesstimate, there should be 30,000 to 50,000 of café owners around the country. Get just one (1%) of them to read your blogs and you’re on your way to something else.

The subject you will decide on to blog and your target audience are very important. The theme that you will use for your site will depend on these two factors. You would not want to choose a religious theme if you would be tackling online gaming on your blogs. Neither would you use pink color theme for such a subject.

Come on and decide to start blogging. The subjects are there for your picking and your audience are ready and waiting. I am not yet an expert on blogging but I am here to assist you on anything that I could be of help about it. Post your queries here and I would be more than glad to research and post the answers here. Just don’t ask me yet about monetizing blogs, I am still searching and trying the howto’s of doing it.

NOTE: Your comments are welcome here but you may wish to proceed to Café Forum for your questions and comments.

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