Me2Everyone :: Online Income Opportunity

m2eAs somebody who is always online, we should be aware of the income opportunities available in the web. I understand that it is hard to determine or differentiate real opportunities versus scams but this should deter us from looking for such chance to earn money online. I suggest one rule to follow so that you would be victimized by online scams. That is, try them if they say it’s free to join and at any moment that you are asked to pay some amount, stop and look around for advice. I say, you cannot be a scam victim if you don’t shell out any money. Yes, you may lost some precious time before you get to know the real score but that should be all and nothing more.

Me2Everyone (M2E) is a social networking site owned by me2everyone Limited which was incorporated in England in September 2008.  Run by an experienced team and advised by the Global Executive board, the site is aimed to be one of the most visited websites on the planet by 2012. The website was launched in January 2009 only for the purpose of recruiting members for free. When the main website launches soon, it will have language support in Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Italian.

The business model of M2E is patterned after FaceBook which was launched in 2oo4 and whose value increased to US$15B in 2008 mainly due to capital injection linked to advertising. M2E differs from FaceBook in its strategy to encourage members to become involved in helping business ventures. Another difference is that all M2E members will be shareholders in the company. You will get 2,000 shares valued at US$0.0015 each for free if you will join now. You will know more about the mechanics of its business model once you join.

Again, let me repeat that we should keep our eyes and minds open for opportunities to earn passive income online. Do not be scammed by joining only those opportunities that you know are true. You can try the untested ones but make sure they are for free. Think twice, thrice or even more if they ask money for joining.

Click this link, Me2Everyone or the image above to join. Thank you and I welcome any question on this topic. You may post your comments and queries below.

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