Insuring Against Other Risks

life-insuranceThis blog post is a little bit off-topic again but could be very helpful information for everybody. I have discussed in my previous blogs about insuring your business against robbery and burglary, general public liability as well as fire, lightning and other perils. These are the insurance covers you need to prevent the interruption of your business in case such unfortunate incidents happen. But depending on how you manage to let your nearest of kin (spouse and children) be involved in your business, such financial security may not be enough when you permanently left them in this world.

I am talking about the most unselfish move that you can do for the people you love and care the most, your family and this is to purchase a life insurance policy. Life insurance is something that is put at the tail-end of one’s priority when we speak of things that we want to buy when we have the means. Housing and shelter are the definitely the tops in our priorities and cars and other luxuries will come next as bounties get into our pockets. Buying a life insurance policy make come after such priorities but is that really a wise decision? Take note that no one really knows how long he will stay to enjoy those things and what if your family is not prepared to keep up with them when that time come.

While normally believe that life insurance is giving all the benefits to your beneficiaries, this is just half of the truth. A whole life insurance policy is like that. You are covered throughout your life and the cash benefits will be due to your beneficiaries anytime you left this world. But there is another kind, the term insurance, which you can also enjoy the benefits if you leave long enough to its maturity.

The two (2) kinds of life insurance vary in their terms and it would do you well if you would check with your underwriter or read more about them online. Our friends at have all the knowledge base about the subject.

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