In The Eyes Of Other Bloggers

lf_bannerThis weblog is 130 days old today and out of the 11,539 visits that it had, a good number are bloggers coming from all over the world. In my efforts to gain traffic to my blogs like what other bloggers want, I joined Blog Catalog, MyBlogLog and Link Referral to do the promotion of this site. On Link Referral, we had a procedure where members, mostly bloggers, are required to review the site of other members according to quality of content, ease of navigation, site response or speed of loading and site relevance on chosen blog category.

At Link Referral, Owning a Café had already received thirty-four (34) reviews with an average rating of 9.54 in a scoring system where 10.00 is the perfect score. I am very happy for such a score considering that  I am newbie in the field and that the ratings came from other bloggers. More heartening are the reviews they wrote about this site and I would like to share some of them with you as follows:

  • Tony (True Ups & Downs of On-line Money) – “This is a very well laid out, informative blog. The author does a great job utilizing all of the functions of the blog template to let the reader navigate through the material effortlessly. I never knew there was so much I didn’t know about internet cafes! Keep up the good work. .”
  • Volverene (Volverene.BlogSpot.Com) – “A very good blog on a variety of stuff. Good to know and read. A resourceful blog. Site design is cool and loads fast besides its complexity. A job well done!”
  • Daniel (Bulls vs. Bears) – “Nice layout, user-friendly site and good content. The blog features regular updates and the content is presented in a nice way with good post structure. Two thumbs up!.”
  • Scott (Guccitendo) – “A good site about Internet Cafes, what it takes to own one, also contains information about the locations about some Cafes as well. This is a great informative site. Also the sites layout and graphics are above others that i have seen. I think that this site will succeeded, just keep it up, and I was glad that it was written in English..”

Again, I wish to thank all of you for visiting and reading my blogs. I also wish to repeat my request for your comments, queries and opinoins on any blog I post here. I hope you will continue to follow my blogs. For those of you who are bloggers and would like to have an account with Link Referral, you may click the image on this post.

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