The Holy Week of I-Café Owners

holy-weekIn my favorite forum of i-cafe owners, one hot topic they are discussing now is the question of whether or not they will open their shops this coming Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Replies vary but none, so far, had posted that he will close café all those holy days of Lent.

In a predominantly Catholic country like the Philippines, the days mentioned above are so important to observe such that by virtue of a national law and by presidential proclamation, all those days are  specifically declared as official legal non-working holidays every year. As such, all gainfully employed citizens of the country are paid even if they do not report for work in those days.

The self-employed, including i-café owners especially the Catholics, are  in a dilemma as to the choice whether to close their shops or not during those days. Those who had planned to do something else like going home to their hometowns, going out for outings or just simply observe the days of Lent have no problems closing their i-cafés.

To those who are caught between the request of customers to open during those holy days or the desire to take advantage of the opportunity to earn more because the competitors will close during those days and the religious obligation to observe abstinence or what have you, below are some guidelines that may help in making the right decision. I wish to say that being a Catholic, my suggestions are for Catholics only.

First, ask yourself if the customers requesting you to open your shop during those days of Lent will be there only for leisure (gamers, chatters and the like) or they are productive ones who need to use your computers to earn some money (online agents, transcriptionists, etc.).  If your customers making the request are of the first kind, you may want to make a serious thought before making your decision. Those customers may also need to observe Lent as you should. With the second kind of customers, the decision should be easier.

If for some reasons, you are caught in a situation between losing a little money if you close and earning a little if otherwise (please note that customers would be much less during those days as many will observe the holy days too), take the course of least resistance in your heart.

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