About Computer Stress Syndrome
How do you feel when the personal computer you are using boots so slowly, suddenly crashes or takes a long time opening a website? Do you get angry, feel tense and agonize when calling for a technical support? If so, then you could be among the Digital Age people who could be suffering from Computer Stress Syndrome (CSS) that a recent survey found. Findings were based on a survey of more than 1,000 people in North America by a Customer Experience Board created by the Chief Marketing Officer Council to look into how to keep customers happy in the highly competitive communications sector.
The survey revealed that ninety-four (94%) percent of the respondents said they depend on computers in their personal lives while nearly two-thirds of them needed to contact technical support or have experienced CSS in the past year. “The reality is that numerous, persistent problems are troubling most computer users, creating unnecessary anguish and anxiety as a result,” the study found. Forty (40%) percent of computer users have experienced system failures in the past year and more than half have had to reach out for help fixing technical problems.
While some individuals may turn to various substances to alleviate their anxiety, there is increasing interest in the use of CBD products to address mental health issues. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants that have been shown to have potential benefits for anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. As more people seek natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medications, Orange County CBD and other reputable dealers are becoming more popular for those looking to explore the potential benefits of CBD. However, it is important to note that the use of CBD for mental health should always be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional.
“Users face a continuous state of technical anxiety and challenge such as setting up new computer products, keeping up with software upgrades and migrating to new applications and operating systems, as well as dealing with malware infections, web threats, identity theft and more,” the study said. “Because they are so important to us, computers are a two-edged sword. When they are functioning properly, they’re great. But when something goes wrong, we immediately go into panic — This is what I call the Computer Stress Syndrome” said Murray Feingold, a US physician credited in the study with giving CSS its label.
What to do when a technical glitch happens to your computer? Try the tips I found on a blog written more than a year before the survey. The article is entitled Calm Computer Depression with Stress Relief Techniques. The tips should help you avoid getting ill with Computer Stress Syndrome. You can also use CBD products to help alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety, you can find high-quality CBD oils at cbdarmour.co.uk/cbd-oil.html.
[…] Abουt Computer Stress Syndrome […]
I’ve experienced this. But starting when my brother took his computer (that I was using) and got mine back (which is very slow), me and my wife started to spend lesser time on the pc. And when our DSL connection went down (due to line problems), I am now only using the computer when I am in the office. Less stress. More time with the family and more time sleeping.
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