Posting My 200th Blog

200thThis is the 200th article on  this site in my two hundred twenty-six (226) days of blogging. As such, I pause again from my usual blogs about the Internet café business and some sort of celebrate what I had achieved since I started blogging last January 11, 2009. Again, I have to be honest and say that I did not expect that I will last this long in this endeavor.

I was fond of visiting and commenting on web forums frequented by Internet café owners before I started blogging. I also started some threads in forums that got good number of replies from members but I noticed that while forums are good in exchanging information, the tendency for a topic to get buried (except if it’s made “sticky”) often result to getting it started again by new forum members especially if searching for it was not done by the member interested on the topic.

I thought then that blogging about those topics would be better because the information will be easier to find and can be more refined. This was the main reason why I started to blog about the Internet café business in the country. I also wish to add my desire to help the industry get the recognition for its role in providing the facilities needed to bridge the so-called digital divide among the Filipinos.

Getting back to this site, I wish to inform that aside from the two hundred (200) blogs that I had published, there are already three hundred ten (310)  approved comments posted here. The figure does not include the 2,037 spams automatically filtered by WP-SpamFree Plugin plus another five (5) that I manually disapproved.

For all the efforts that I exerted to improve its ranking, Owning a Café now has Google PageRank 2 and Alexa Rank of 183,068 with only 496 back links. Google search for some keywords in my blogs lands this site on page 1 most of the time. Although majority of my around five hundred (500) unique visitors at present are from referral sites, I am happy that about twenty (20%) of them are now coming in through search engine results. As they say, my SEO efforts are not in vain and I hope for better results soon.

Let me end this article by thanking you again for your visits and comments on my blogs. I also want to ask what else do you wish to be added here so I can better serve you and the Internet café industry as a whole. Tell me and I shall oblige if I can give your wishes.

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